Beach VolleyBall
The volleyball tournament held at the end of the summer at White Thorn Lodge in Darlington, Pennsylvania attracts thousands of players from around North America. The level of play is so good that non-naturist teams participate. In Southern California Blacks Beach has been playing volleyball for over 30 years and naturists still play today. A local group called blacks beach bares associated with the naturist society, maintains 4 nets all year round and is still growing. They have been interviewed by news stations and have been featured in magazines and newspapers.
The volleyball tournament held at the end of the summer at White Thorn Lodge in Darlington, Pennsylvania attracts thousands of players from around North America. The level of play is so good that non-naturist teams participate. In Southern California Blacks Beach has been playing volleyball for over 30 years and naturists still play today. A local group called blacks beach bares associated with the naturist society, maintains 4 nets all year round and is still growing. They have been interviewed by news stations and have been featured in magazines and newspapers.
Label: Beach, hotels, sports, VolleyBall